Awards Explained

For the year long club tourney of the many listed species of fish. 1st and 2nd place for each eligible species of fish, adult and juniors, will be determined by length. If length is a tie, then the earliest date caught will serve as a tiebreaker. If you have a large fish that you killed and weighed, make sure to enter the weight if larger than the club record. Below are eligible species for awards.


Black Drum                                           Pompano

Black Sea Bass                                    Sheepshead

Bluefish                                                 Spadefish

Channel Bass (Red Drum)                 Spanish Mackerel

Cobia                                                     Spot

Crappie                                                 Speckled Trout

Croaker                                                 Striped Bass

Dolphin                                                  Sunfish

Flounder                                                Tautog

Grey Trout                                             Triggerfish

King Mackerel                                      Tuna

King Whiting                                         Wahoo

Largemouth Bass                                White Perch


Amberjack                                            Shark

Blue Marlin                                            Tarpon

Crevalle Jack                                        White Marlin

Pickerel                                                 Yellow Perch


Dues must be paid for entries to be counted

Junior Outings Champion 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be decided by the persons with the most accumulated points throughout the outing schedule year. Points toward the annual outing/tournament champ will be awarded as follows in each tournament:

A Junior angler is an angler that is 15 on January 1st of the tournament year.

20 points – longest fish

15 points – second longest fish

10 points – third longest fish

05 points – any attending member in good standing.

The John Rudiger Award will be decided by the Board at the end of the year and will be considered the most outstanding fish entry of the year, as determined by the Board.

The Sparrow-Robinson Conservation Award will be given to the angler with the greatest variety of “release citation” size fish throughout the year.

Adult and Junior Male and Female Angler of the Year Awards will be chosen from the fish entries by fish chairman/Board and will be determined by the angler’s individual performance as to how many first and second place fish they caught. 1st place = 2 points and 2nd place = 1 point. If there is a tie in points, the angler with the most first place finishes will win. If a tie still exists, the angler with the most impressive fish as decided by the board/fish chairman will win.

The David Lee Lewis Memorial Award will be decided by the Board at the end of the year and will be considered the most outstanding fish of the year caught in the Chesapeake Bay, as determined by the Board.

Freshwater Angler of the Year will be chosen from the freshwater species fish entries by the Board and will be determined by the angler’s individual performance. Species are Largemouth Bass, Sunfish, Crappie, Yellow Perch, white perch, and Chain Pickerel. Decided the same way as with Adult and Junior angler of the year criteria.

The Outstanding Catch by a Junior Angler will be decided by the Board at the end of the year and will be considered the most outstanding fish of the year caught by a junior angler, as determined by the Board. A Junior angler is an angler that is 15 on January 1st of the tournament year.

The above explained awards are considered to be the nine special awards.

An Awards Banquet will be held annually in March to present all contest winners of the previous year with their awards, and to raise funds for the organization consistent with the objectives stated in Article II.

Any fish caught in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, or North Carolina may be accepted in the contest.

To be eligible to win any of the special awards or trophies an adult member must have participated in a minimum of two (2) approved club activities within the same calendar year. Club activities shall include attendance at regular monthly meetings (not including the Awards Banquet), participation in club tournaments, manning a club sponsored show booth, active participation on a club committee, or any other club function approved by the Board of Directors.

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